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than是什么意思 thanks缩写

2023-08-09 来源:互联网 【 字体:

than是什么意思 thanks缩写 导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。than是什么意思,than的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、than是什么意思1、than 比,



1、than 比,比较

2、来自 then 的拼写变体,并于 18 世纪开始成为两个不同的词,并产生词义上的分化。如 A is bigger than B,原义为 A is bigger,then B.



2、than: [OE] Than is ultimately the same word as then, and the two were used interchangeably until the end of the 17th century. It is not clear how the adverb came to be used as a conjunction denoting comparison, although it is possible that the comparison implicit in expressions like ‘This one is better; then there is that one’ may have led on to ‘This one is better than that one’.=> then

3、than (conj.)

4、Old English tan, conjunctive particle used after a comparative adjective or adverb, from tanne, t?nne, tonne"then"(see then). Developed from the adverb then, and not distinguished from it by spelling until c. 1700. The earliest use is in West Germanic comparative forms introducing the second member, i.e. bigger than (compare Dutch dan, German denn), which suggests a semantic development from the demonstrative sense of then: A is bigger than B, evolving from A is bigger, then ("after that") B. Or the word may trace to Old English tonne"when, when as,"such as"When as"B is big, A is more (so).
