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plumbing是什么意思 plumbing怎么读音

2023-08-13 来源:互联网 【 字体:

plumbing是什么意思 plumbing怎么读音 导读大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。plumbing是什么意思,plumbing的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、plumbing是什么意思1



1、plumbing 管路系统,自来水系统

2、来自plumb,铅,-ing,集合名词后缀。因过去自来水管多为铅管,因此,引申词义管路系统, 自来水系统。


1、plumbing (n.)

2、mid-15c.,"the weighting of a fishing line,"verbal noun from plumb (v.). Specific meaning"water and drainage pipes"is recorded by 1875, American English. THE apparatus by which the water from a reservoir is carried about over a building and delivered at points convenient for use, is called by the general name of plumbing. The word"plumbing"means lead-work; and it is used to signify this water apparatus of a house because the pipes of which it largely consists are usually made of lead. [Edward Abbott,"Long Look House: A Book for Boys and Girls,"Boston, 1877] Alternative plumbery also is mid-15c. Slang meaning"a person's reproductive organs"attested by 1975.
